GST Timeline

Find the complete timeline about how GST was introduced and the actions which made the way possible towards its implementation.
Year 2000
July 17, 2000

Roots of GST were planted back in 2000 when the Vajpayee government constituted a committee which was headed by Asim Kumar Dasgupta (finance minister of West Bengal. The committee was constituted with an objective to monitor the implementation of uniform floor rates of sales tax by States and Union Territories,…
Read moreYear 2003
July 16, 2004

In the report of the task Force on implementation of the FRBM ( Fiscal Responsibility and budget Management) Act, 2013, the idea of GST was mooted as policy proposed in this report.In this report, revenue potential was estimated and also standard rate was proposed. You can the report here.
Read moreYear 2005
April 1, 2005

VAT ( Value added tax) was implemented in India from 1 April 2005. It was introduced as an indirect tax in India which replaced the then existing sales tax laws. Initially few states opted to stay out of the VAT taxation system but by June, 2014 VAT was implemented in…
Read moreYear 2006
February 28, 2006

After successful implementation of VAT in the country, the Government of India and the states felt that further reforms are required in Central and State taxes and, therefore, matter regarding introduction of GST in the country was discussed by the Hon’ble Union Finance Minister P.Chidambaram with empowered committee and accordingly…
Read moreYear 2007
April 1, 2007

In the Budget Speech 2007-08 it was announced by then Hon’ble Finance Minister that “ VAT has proved to be an unqualified success. VAT revenues of the implementing States increased by 13.8 % in 2005-06 and by 24.3 %in the first nine months of 2006-07. The next logical step is to phase…
Read moreYear 2007
May 10, 2007
Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers decided to set up a Joint Working Group, with the then Adviser to the Union Finance Minister and the Member-Secretary, Empowered Committee as Co-convenors and the concerned Joint Secretaries of the Department of Revenue of Union Finance Ministry and all Finance Secretaries of the…
Read moreYear 2007
November 19, 2007
This Joint Working Group, after intensive internal discussions as well as interaction with experts and representatives of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, submitted its report to the Empowered Committee. This report was then discussed in detail in the meeting of the Empowered Committee in November, 2007.
Read moreYear 2008
January 28, 2008

An important meeting was also taken by the then Hon’ble Union Finance Minister on 28th January 2008 to deliberate on various monetary and non-monetary measures to be adopted by states and centre so that CST can be reduced to 2%. After due discussions and deliberations, a notification reducing the CST…
Read moreYear 2008
April 30, 2008
The report on a model and road map for GST which was submitted by Joint Working Group after being taken into consideration and after accommodating the views of the States appropriately on this report, the views of the Empowered Committee on the model and road map were sent to the Government…
Read moreYear 2009
January 21, 2009
The Committee of Principal Secretaries/Secretaries (Finance/Taxation) and Commissioners of Trade Taxes held detailed deliberations and submitted its recommendations to the Empowered Committee. The Empowered Committee considered these recommendations in its meeting held in January, 2009 and accepted them in principle. The Empowered Committee also decided to constitute a Working Group consisting of…
Read moreYear 2009
November 10, 2009
Taking into account the recommendations of the Joint Working Group consisting of Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries(Finance/Taxation) and Commissioner of Trade Taxes of all States/UTs, the views expressed by the Government of India and the States in several meetings of the Empowered Committee held during 2009 and also discussions held with the…
Read moreYear 2010
February 26, 2010

Then FM Pranab Mukherjee postpones rollout to April 2011. Chairman of the empowered committee of state finance ministers and West Bengal finance minister Asim Dasgupta told reporters after an hour-long meeting of the panel with the union finance minister Pranab Mukherjee that New dates for GST implementation will be decided.
Read moreYear 2011
March 22, 2011

It was felt by the Government of India that the Constitution of India has to be suitably amended before dual GST could be implemented. Accordingly, it was decided to form a Joint Working Group under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Revenue), Member Secretary, Empowered Committee (Co-Chairman) and senior officers from…
Read moreYear 2011
March 29, 2011

THE Constitution (One Hundred Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 introduced in Lok Sabha on 22 March, 2011, was referred to the Parliamentary Committee on Finance on 29 March, 2011 for examination and report.
Read moreYear 2012
November 8, 2012
A committee on GST Design Meanwhile, to discuss the progress made in the preparation for GST, the then Hon’ble Union Finance Minister met the Empowered Committee on 8th November,2012. In pursuance of the decision taken in this meeting, a Committee on GST Design was constituted under the convenership of the…
Read moreYear 2014
July 3, 2013
Additional Secretary (Revenue) communicated to the Empowered Committee a further revised draft of the Constitutional Amendment Bill for GST. This draft was considered by the Empowered Committee in its meeting held on 3rd July, 2014. There was a broad consensus on the various issues/concerns regarding the latest Constitutional Amendment Bill…
Read moreYear 2013
August 7, 2013
The Government of India introduced Constitution (One Hundred Fifteenth Amendment) Bill, 2011 in Lok Sabha on 22nd March, 2011 to facilitate the introduction of GST. The draft was sent to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance. After detailed deliberations, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance submitted its Report in August,…
Read moreYear 2014
December 19, 2014
A further revised draft of the Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Second Amendment) Bill, 2014 for GST was received from the Government of India on 4th December, 2014. The draft was considered by the Empowered Committee in its meeting held on 11th December, 2014. As the revised Bill did not meet…
Read moreYear 2015
May 6, 2015
The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Second Amendment) Bill, 2014 was passed in Lok sabha on 6 May, 2015. This further paved the way for an introduction of GST in India. The bill was passed with two-third majority – 352 Lok Sabha MPs voted in favour and 37 members against it.
Read moreYear 2015
May 12, 2015
The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014 after being passed in Lok sabha was taken up in Rajya Sabha on 12 May, 2015.
Read moreYear 2015
May 14, 2015
The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014 (GST Bill) was passed by Lok Sabha on May 06, 2015 and was taken up in Rajya sabha on 12 May, 2015. Rajya Sabha referred the Bill to its Select Committee on May 14, 2015.
Read moreYear 2015
July 22, 2015
Report of the Select committee on the Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014 (GST Bill) was presented to Rajya Sabha on 22 July, 2015. Clause by clause consideration was submitted in the report.
Read moreYear 2016
August 1, 2016
Notice of amendments by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was released on 1 August 2016. The notice then released can be found here.
Read moreYear 2016
August 3, 2016
The Constitution (122nd Amendment) Bill, 2014 was passed with amendments in Rajya Sabha on August 3, 2016.The Constitution (122nd Amendment) (GST) Bill, 2014 was to enter into the statute book as The Constitution (101st Amendment) Act, 2016 after the amended bill is passed in Lok sabha, ratified by the states…
Read moreYear 2016
August 8, 2016
Amended Bill is passed in Lok sabha on 8 august, 2016.
Read moreYear 2016
September 8, 2016

The Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Second Amendment) Bill, 2014 after ratification by the States, received assent from President Pranab Mukherjee on 8 September 2016 and was notified in The Gazette of India on the same date. The Gazette of India for the same date can be found here.
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