Search result for " e way bill "
When E-way bill is not required to be generated
E-way bill has been mandated by the government for inter-state/intra-state movement of goods but there are certain cases when E-way bill is not required to be generated. Such situations wherein E-way…
5 more states will be rolling out E-way bill from tomorrow
As communicated by Ministry of Finance, 5 more states will be rolling out E-way bill from tomorrow. Previously intra-state E-way bill has been rolled out in twelve states. Now introducing…
Intrastate e-way bill will be applicable in Maharashtra from 1 May 2018
As notified vide Notification No. 15B/2018 –State Tax of COMMISSIONER OF STATE TAX, MAHARASHTRA STATE, Intrastate e-way bill will be applicable in Maharashtra from 1 May 2018. Vide NOTIFICATION No. 15A/2018 –State Tax COMMISSIONER OF…
six states will roll out intrastate e-way bills from April 20
As per the press release by the ministry of finance six states will roll out intrastate e-way bills from April 20. Previously intrastate e-way bill has been mandated for six…
FAQs in relation to generating consolidated E-way bill
Following is the compilation of FAQs in relation to the generating consolidated E-way bill released by the government: Question 1: What is the consolidated e-way bill? Answer - Consolidated e-way bill is…
E-way bill for intrastate movement of goods announced
After the rollout of E-way bill system for inter-state movement of goods, now E-way bill for intrastate movement of goods has been announced to be rolled out from 15 April 2018.…
How to generate E-way bill in case of Bill to-Ship to transactions
Question – How to generate E-way bill in case of Bill to-Ship to transactions? Answer - In certain cases, it might happen that the invoice is being raised on one…
Is E-way bill applicable in your state for intra-state movement?
Question – From 1st April, E-way bill has been made applicable for interstate movements but is E-way bill applicable in your state for intra-state movement? Answer - E-way bill has…
E-way bill system clarified with illustrations
Through a press release, two illustrations to clarify E-way bill system were released by Ministry of Finance. The e-way Bill System for Inter-State movement of goods across the country is being…
How to generate E-way bill for multiple invoices
Question - Supplier issued multiple invoices to the consignee for delivery of goods. How to generate E-way bill for multiple invoices in such case? Answer - If the consignor has…